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I just found your YouTube videos regarding the development of this game, and I love your content.

Separately, the game is very fun! I found myself giggling during the fart dashes.

Keep up the great work!

Honestly had heaps of fun playing this game and excited to see your progress as a game dev!

One bug I found though is that if you spam click pick up weapons, they do way too much damage and you can turn into a sort of beyblade of death.

Other than that the game is great!

Ok, first off, I love your videos about game dev. As an aspiring game dev as well, I think it's really cool how you're dedicating yourself a lot on this. But I'm not here to talk about that. This game is amazing!

Music - 9/10, really feels like I'm a medieval dude killing a bunch of monsters.

Art - 10/10,  a charming art style that really sucks you into the game world.

Gameplay - 8/10,  fun gameplay. Psychics is absolutely amazing, however it got a little boring and stale toward the double digit waves.

Now for some problems I encountered and things I suggest to improve this game: 

1. Enemies would hit me when they were outside the little walled sections and I was inside. 

2. Game doesn't really pause when you hit pause. When I hit pause, I noticed that the only things that happen is that the enemies and you stop moving, but you can still let go of and shoot stuff. I think you should use get_tree().paused = true/false when they hit the esc key. Just don't forget to turn the process mode to always in the Control node. 

3.  I didn't really know when I got hit. I think maybe you could do a screen shake effect so the player really understands they got hit.

Other than that, this game is absolutely amazing for being made in 2 weeks. Can't wait to see what else you're going to make!

P.S here's a picture of the pause script: 


Very Cool Game

Hey Just played 13 waves on it and I have some thoughts but first just want to say Congratulations! This is an achievement and you should be proud (not sarcastic i promise)

Here are some pros and cons
  • Love the art style
  • The Physics are very fun and the amount of saves i had from throwing my weapon when at half a heart
  • Fun combat and fun methods i found like a no weapon round where I use the rocks of the golems to kill all my enemies or turning into a spin wheel of death with the sledgehammer
  • Like how you gain more health William gets more Armour
  • Feels really great to play on controller
  • The sound effects especially of the crossbow is really nice
  • Cool tavern Jingle
  • Finally graphics wise its very nice to look at and a very distinct art style


  • This is only your first game so I'm not expecting much but here are some minor criticisms, game got very easy fast as the weapons are very affordable and I could buy all of them in like 5 waves
  • Lack of weapon impact felt weak
  • Some things are unclear like I had no clue what the acid bottle did,
  •  Also it was inconvenient I could drop the bomb but had to throw the acid so I could never properly trap my enemies (especially with how far the bottle goes)
  • Lack of enemy variety meant I got the hang of the gameplay quick
  • Much harder to play on mouse than controller
  • Would have been nice if there was a boss fight or endgame

That's all I have and well done for making it I had fun and I look forward to your next one!!!

(also does anyone know what the secret that Nick put in is?)


Wait! Nick is linux user and advocate and there's no linux build..


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Congrats Jack & Nick! This was a genuinely enjoyable, *playable* gaming experience, and even more so knowing behind-the-scenes.

- I love that the character wears each upgrade
- Swinging mechanic had a lot of weight behind the motion
- Attention to detail with art, great style, animated physics on equipment and items

- Holding left click to wield an item (straaain)
- Tricky to aim throwing, also payoff isn't great for throwing my only weapon at an enemy

- Beefier weapon impacts
- Little white outline around the item that I'm currently hovering over to pickup

Can't wait to see what comes next!

Is a web build possible?


watching wave 20 roll in with the duel sharp hammer

Fun first game! The Shotgun is really OP

Great first game. My feedback:

  • +1 to not holding left click all the time. 
  • Hitboxes of enemies hitting you are unclear. Maybe its because of short arms for zombies.
  • Hitboxes for weapons are bit unclear too. Would love more responsive hits.
  • It'd be fun to deal more dmg the harder you swing. So big wepons would swing slower so you would need to approach fights differently than with lighter weapons.
  • After you throw out your weapon have an option to hit with a first - that would be awesome. Maybe dash hit?
  • I'd love to have a choice of weapon at the start & I'd love to actually DIG UP wepons from the graves :D 
    On the graves could be like icon for a fallen hero with small flavor text that would be a clue for what weapon he might have used.
  • Arena feels a bit tight but its fun & thematic.   Would love to see it evolve (open another gate to different biom)

all other weapons pale in comparison to the hammer, it is very difficult to play with weapons with a small attack radius, throwing weapon was completely out of my control, the bow and crossbow are made well, but they still lose their meaning because of the hammer in the game, money accumulates in tons and then there is nowhere to put it, there is no ending (you could have done 13 rounds and the final counting in gold and killed monsters), and I would also add durability to weapons and slightly change the logic of the stones so that when a shadow appears, they still move behind the player half the time, and the physics of the attack feels good

overall great! The game style is extremely enjoyable, the perfect game to be the first game created by the author <3


The best thing about this game is the very cool art design. It's quite adorable, it didn't have any major bugs or glitches when I played it and runs smoothly. For this being your first game I'm extremely impressed and you have a future in game development and have a very good eye for art and game design.

Rally fun game!

I had a glitch where I paused the game while holding a sword and when I unpaused, the sword disappeared but the hand was still acting as if holding something (even when LMB was not being pressed)


I found the most OP strat instantly. SPOILERS: To just spin the hammer at light speed until I got tendonitis which basically just made it so I had to run into enemies. Got so much money so fast that I had all the items (that I don't know what they do) right away. The only times I took damage was when I didn't see the falling rock out of disinterest. I played wave 10 expecting something to change but it didn't so I gave up after.

But it feels ok and it looks very pretty. A lot of games feel like they have stiff sprites when they're drawn like this but the animation really made them pop and felt fluid.
I love that items feel like they're in the world. I always want that in games, never stop doing that.


thanks, im gonna use this strat. looking for ways to break the game.

I had a great time playing the game, using the mace and turning up your mouse dpi as high as possible turns you into a living jet engine, so the game is a 10/10.

definitely add a toggle feature so you don't have to hold down left click on an object for nine waves of zombie(?) slaying.

(1 edit)

Fun game but keep holding down the left mouse button doesn't feel good after a while and most weapons feels under performing or maybe the impact feedback is missing cause all weapons feels similar except the big ones like the starting shovel which I can just spin and stand still for the most part and mouse sensitivity option is needed.

Pretty fun and hard!

I dont like that you have to hold down the mouse button to hold the weapons, would prefer a click grab and click put down. but other than that its really rad!

Hey Jack ! Great first game buddy. I follow your videos since you started and I freaking love how I relate to all of your gaming opinions. Seeing you going on the road of making your own just makes me really excited!

A couple of notes about the game:

  • Mouse sensitivity feels really slow with the hand movement. I had to set my mouse DPI to the max and it still felt kinda slow. I think a more responsive (less gravity) movement would be better.
  • A recurring bug occurs when letting go of a weapon; the hand stays in a fist/closed state.
  • It's too hard. I think reducing hitboxes would help a lot, and adding some hit animations to enemies. It's really hard to tell where the hitbox is and you constantly take damage when you would assume otherwise. Maybe even the possibility to take cover behind some structures to block enemies a bit, like a fence or a wagon, and they could be destructible and have like three sprites of damage before they completely break.
  • Also, a way easier first round of enemies would be nice: fewer enemies and perhaps some smaller ones, and make the bigger ones slower.
  • Sadly, I couldn't add potions to the belt. I don't know if you implemented this feature, but it would be cool. Maybe right-click, or have it done automatically if you are at 100% health.

Keep up the good work, and best wishes to you and Nick!

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I turned into a mace wielding farting helicopter


Excited to play this!


Super charming game, I love it! I was interested in game dev for a long time and your devlogs gave me the motivation to actually start it myself!! Thank you so much and can't wait to see what you're cooking up next :)

Here's an idea for a boss character:

The Grave Keeper - Skeletal Warden of the Graveyard

The Grave Keeper is the skeletal, ghoulish figure who reigns over the graveyard. With his haunting appearance and massive scythe, he ruthlessly eliminates any who dare to defy his twisted authority.

Driven by an insatiable hunger for power, the Grave Keeper views the graveyard as his kingdom. He will stop at nothing to expand his macabre domain, making him a truly formidable and uncompromising threat for players to face.

Or something like that. Haha!

Cool game!


It just works


A fantastically charming game. The groundwork for an amazing game is right there. I wish nothing but the best for the developers. 


Play button works

nice game!